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About Us


BODY BY HEAVEN Estate doesn't mislead anyone, instead gives
you the truth about all the finances. We have been with WFG a long time ago and experienced LUKE 6:28, where I brought a large number of populate through online chatting and on the end they stole all my recruits. It was exceedingly difficult journey studying as the best student in the world, being a world champion, the best inventor ever lived, doing volunteering, recruiting while at WFG, battling documentations, going thru sheds, and so many unbealievable things, where would be impossible without God to accomplish anything during the time of so many haters and damagers. There was something incredible to find out and learn from their hate and my mistakes having love towards them. Today have fulfilled the knowledge about all financial sectors and learned, that the ONLY TRUTH is GOD and his understanding with relaying on him. Numerous became envious to my successful life and started to show their jealousy and hate again, as they must been talking the truth about financies and other knowledgeable leadership to react in abusive way. With this Estate, you won't regret anything.
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