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An employer is an organization, institution, government entity, agency, company, professional services firm, nonprofit association, small business, store, or individual who employs or puts to work, a person who is called an employee or a staff member. The main difference between an employee and a contractor is that the employer has control over the activities of the employee, but the contractor does his or her work independently. The employee has a specified salary or wage and is bound by an employment contract, whether written, express or implied.



We will make sure, that employers hiring you will be fair towards our clients and treat you as anyone else at their workplaces. Fairness is the most important today. When you see everyone treated the same and of course righteously, then you feel good to be there. There is no perfect place, but at least we will make sure to be the way the law of this country mentions and this is how it should be. With your patience in working a large number of years, there is in addition to a big chance to get promoted and receive much bigger salary and this is why you came to this country, to live a better life and to build empire in your country.

We provide solutions in several types of employment relationships

  • Contract-to-Hire  

  • Long-term & Short-term Projects 

  • Direct Placement

Fill out the following form and one of our recruiters will contact you shortly to set up a meeting and advance with the process

Thanks for submitting!

This is a great Employment Solutions agency and gives equal respect and opportunity to everyone. Also stands with the greatest knowledge in healthcare.

Stephanie Davis, FreeMed Inc.

An owner of this agency had worked previously at high fast environment warehouse and performed the best results and received excellent reference from them. He knows about the work environment. 

Willie Rivera, Packing & Packing

  • BODY BY HEAVEN Party of Canada

© 2019 by BODY BY HEAVEN. Created by Jovan Aplic.

Tel: 437-237-2736

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