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God is good and the only One who is the most righteous in this and other world in Heaven. To experience his wisdom and the knowledge about enemies, which are out there to damage your career and success for the reason of jealousy and hate, you have only one choice in life: TO RECEIVE HIS GLORY AND WORSHIP HIM OR TO FIND YOURSELF ONE DAY SURPRISED AROUND THE ENEMIES YOU BELIEVE ARE YOUR FRIENDS. Once becomes too late, you will by no means start believing in God and find out how many people are really believers on the earth. Those who are not with him, are also not with you, and they will betray you anytime and everywhere is possible just for a little better paycheck. I used to preach outside in addition to, to bring people to repentance and holy life, instead they chose a flesh, so many of them started to intimidate, bully, sexually assault, preventing the truth to spread out and for the reason of true church, where is impossible to be corrupted. With their sin, have shown clearly to hide their pretense to believe in God, instead only to make money out of their churches. See, it's not about a church, but truly SPIRIT and health, what can make you choose the ONLY truth and not corruptible worship.


There is no vision, but God's leadership

of each person on this earth. For a second, anyone rely on their own understanding, it can easily turn unexpected from what you think is going to be.


We bring sinners back to repentance and show them the way, which is better than doing crimes, because on the long run, everyone will find out why.


This Godly community is made up of the Spirit, where many are rejected before accepted, for the reason of finding whether is worthy to be part of it and to not bring sexual abuse into this place.  


Faith is a belief in someone or something.

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