It's only One of the new called a PASSIONLAND from 26.71 -28.5 million square km. Minimum should be 10.4 million square km, if not by the righteousness.

Anthem: The Way, The Truth and The Right to Live.
Why? The biggest success in military training , where no one could make the results better than me and for that already passed soon in October 2023 8 years and that cost 8 per 1.1 Trillion USD plus stolen inventions worth 500 billion USD, then first time at least 150 Trillion USD and the rest, if they want to pay as for anyone else more than 10 Trillion USD in inventions what should pay, that are not stolen or the respect according to others 18 Quadrillion USD. The respect is up to you, but I know why and how much better and how much others got in empires that they cannot even imagine what I accomplished and none of them could. Genghis Khan got 150 Trillions, but he couldn't even accomplish 1 percent of my training, what about something else... This is why those 150 should be per twenty. As the best Inventor in the world ever lived, military training the best for many years and the Guinness records, then before work out champion heavy and all weights naturally, then pushups and other Calisthenics training champion, then Basketball best as Association, best in school results in University and all along with it here and so much more in championships winner to add and all other things that no one could accomplish. When you check more about me , you will find also about the most educated excellent and timing and so much more, why to mention every single thing... All written is true and this is what Canada and USA owe me, including with the world, because this is how it works with a genius.